Physical Therapy For Knee Injuries That Can Be Done At Home

For many years, pain management in Connecticut has been synonymous with prescriptions for strong narcotic drugs. Because of this, many people have avoided seeking treatment due to fear of addiction. Patients also want solutions that will actually address the problem rather than just cover it up.

Fortunately, there are new alternatives available that work with the body rather than simply trying to force it to cooperate. These alternatives are more likely to bring lasting relief, and even better, allow patients to remain free of strong drugs and their side-effects.

Since every case is different, a good clinic for physical therapy Connecticut in New Haven won’t give the same treatment to everyone. Instead, therapy begins with an initial consultation in which the patient’s history is learned and the problem area is examined. Then, a plan is created with the intention of actually fixing the problem. When the problem is fixed, pain will naturally decrease. During treatment, various methods are employed to control the pain while it still remains.

Pain from Injuries

In many cases, an injury is the underlying cause of pain. The problem is exacerbated when there are repeated injuries to the same body part. Chronic joint instability, for example, greatly increases the chance of repeated strains and sprains. Other injuries result from less-frequent accidents such as car crashes, falls, and sports mishaps.

Pain from Degenerative Conditions

Degenerative disc disease and arthritis are two main causes of this type of pain. It can seem nearly intractable since there’s no single cause one can point to. Despite this, it is possible to bring about great relief without powerful drugs, and in many cases, without surgery.

Posture-Related Pain

The importance of adequate posture is often overlooked. The body, however, is not as likely to ignore it. Sitting at an odd angle, hunching over, and walking unevenly can all cause issues like sciatica or back pain.

In many cases, one of the keys to stopping the pain is strengthening the painful area so that the body can provide that area with adequate support. For spinal problems, other solutions – such as non-surgical decompression therapy – may be prescribed. Finally, postural issues may be addressed by physical therapy aimed at making the patient aware of specific problems and providing methods for correction.

These are just some of the ways chronic pain can be eliminated by focusing on underlying issues. Make an appointment with a holistic pain center today to learn more.

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