5 Main Health-related Aspects Emphasized By Reputable Eye Care In Boulder

When would it be a good time to schedule an eye exam? Given that no two people share the same needs in terms of eye care, individuals should follow their doctor�s advice when it comes to establishing the ideal frequency of eye exams. Generally speaking, a full eye examination every couple of years will help patients keep their vision sharp and their eyes healthy.

5 Symptoms and Signs Suggesting That One Should See an Eye Doctor in Boulder

Those who suffer from one or more medical conditions that could affect their eyesight, such as diabetes, certain ocular diseases, trauma or previous surgeries should see their eye doctors more often and get their eyes tested at least once a year. Here are some of the most common symptoms and signs suggesting that one should schedule an eye exam as soon as possible.

1. Blurry Vision and a Reduced Ability to Focus. Focus issues or blurry images may be the indicator of a more complex health problem. Blurry vision that comes and goes in a matter of a few seconds or affects the functionality of only one eye should convince people to get ready for an eye exam performed by an ophthalmologist.

2. Visual Disturbances. Visual disturbances, such as obstructed vision, flashes of light and floaters, are red flags that should be taken very seriously, considering that they could reveal the presence of a vision-threatening eye disorder, like a retinal hole or retinal tear and detachment. Anyone dealing with one of these symptoms should visit an optometrist or go to the emergency room for help within 24 hours, to benefit from a correct diagnosis and an adequate treatment plan to reduce vision loss.

3. Progressive Blurring. Gradual blurring of images may indicate a progressive degradation that is changing the way in which one performs daily tasks, such as reading and writing. Those who reach the conclusion that they are moving certain items farther away, or on the contrary, closer to their eyes (computer screens, books, newspapers and so on) to enhance clarity should make time for an eye exam.

4. Headaches. Frequent, persistent headaches may indicate a vision problem. This common symptom may be difficult to decode at first, especially given that headaches can be associated with a number of underlying causes, including fatigue, poor lifestyle choices and elevated stress levels. Nonetheless, when a continuous pain in the cranial area can be linked to a change in eyesight, they should be considered a sign that an individual should get his or her eyes checked right away.

5. Eye Fatigue or Eye Pain. In general, occasional cataracts in Boulder strain shouldn�t be seen as a major threat. On the contrary, eye pain that comes and goes can be associated with a number of factors, including seasonal allergies, colds, lack of rest or a flu. Nonetheless, those who experience stubborn eye pain for days or weeks in a row shouldn�t leave this matter unaddressed, as eye strain could be the main indicator of an eye infection or a more alarming eye health problem.

Frequent eye infections, squinting and excessive sensitivity to light are three other concerns that should make people schedule an appointment with a respectable eye doctor in Boulder. An eye doctor can interpret a person�s symptoms and tackle the underlying causes of their health issue by creating and implementing an adequate treatment plan.

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