Novice’s Overview Of Botox Injections In Sterling Heights Services

Treatments based on the revolutionary drug that allowed women around the world to see their dream of having natural, long, thick eyelashes fulfilled, Latisse, are now available in dermatology Sterling Heights clinics. Doctors advise that the treatment is safe, efficient, and now available to all those suffering from hypotrichosis (few, short or thin eyelashes).

What Is Latisse and How Does It Work?

Latisse is a prescription drug approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) based on a 0.03% bimatoprost ophthalmic solution, proven to stimulate the lengthening, thickening, and darkening of the eyelashes. Its active ingredient is the same one used for Lumigan, a drug used to treat glaucoma/bimatoprost.

In fact, Latisse appeared after doctors noticed the effects of Lumigan on patients, namely an increase in their eyelash length and thickness. The drug began to be used for anti aging procedures sterling heights purposes. Bimatoprost, the active substance, works similar to prostaglandin, a natural chemical in the human body influencing eyelash growth.

Latisse should be applied daily, before going to bed, on the outside edge of the upper lid, at the base of the eyelashes, with caution, to prevent the substance from getting into one’s eyes. In case of eye contact, rinsing with water is not necessary, as, given its efficiency in treating glaucoma, the substance will not cause harm.

The Latisse treatment has gradual but remarkable results. It is recommended application is 16 weeks, exactly as prescribed. Although satisfactory results may be obtained earlier, if the treatment is stopped, the results fade away within weeks or months. The first changes noticeable usually refer to eyelash length. Gradually, improvements in thickness and color become obvious as well.

Latisse Side Effects and Precautions

Latisse does not pose any threats to the patients’ health, and side effects were only reported by 4% of its users, in the form of mild itching sensations and redness in the eye area. However, given the long treatment period and the relative newness of the drug, many patients choose to have it prescribed and applied in dermatology Sterling Heights clinics, where they can benefit from professional supervision and advice.

Other, even rarer, side effects of Latisse include a mild darkening of the eyelid skin, as a result of the increased melanin level in the skin, and a slight darkening of the iris. While the effects on the skin disappear after the treatment is stopped, the effects on the iris may persist.

Patients suffering from conditions such as eye inflammation, glaucoma, or macular edema are advised to consult with their ophthalmologists before beginning the treatment. Latisse should be applied at the recommendation of a physician or dermatologist, and any side-effects associated with its use should be discussed with the specialist who prescribed it.

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