Understanding Treatment Choices For Peripheral Neuropathy

Nobody particularly enjoys having to go to the doctor, but there are some situations in life where it’s simply necessary. Evaluation and treatment from a medical professional can keep some injuries or conditions from worsening, after all. A lot of times, however, people are hesitant to see a New Haven foot doctor over a foot problem because they think it’ll clear up on its own. Still, there are a few telltale signs that it’s time to schedule that appointment.

Numbness in Feet

Sometimes, feet will temporarily go numb while they’re cold or after a reduction in blood circulation (such as when sitting cross-legged for a long period of time). This is normal, so long as feeling returns. However, for those who experience random numbness or stabbing pains in the feet, it’s always a good idea to get evaluated by a click now. This is especially important in those who are living with diabetes, as foot numbness is a common sign of peripheral neuropathy, a serious condition that can lead to the need for amputation.

Ingrown Toenails

Most people will experience an ingrown toenail at some point in their lives; it’s never a pleasant experience. The best way to alleviate pain from an ingrown toenail and avoid the need for possible surgery is to see a foot doctor at the first sign of an ingrown nail. Without proper treatment, the infection can spread to the bone, which can be very serious.

Persistent Pain

One of the most common reasons people make appointments with a foot doctor is that of inexplicable pain in the foot. This may be occurring at the heel, along the bottom of the foot, or even in the toes. The possibilities for this type of pain can very greatly, from a stress fracture to bone spurs. This will require evaluation and possibly an X-ray from a foot doctor to determine and properly treat.

Nail Discoloration

Most people don’t think much about nail discoloration, but the fact is that even a slight discoloration of the nail can signify major health problems. This is especially true in situations where the nail appears yellow in color, as this can be a sign of a fungal infection. Often times, a foot doctor can treat a fungal infection in the toenails with a prescription cream or ointment.

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