Efficient And Natural Anti Aging Tips

The winter may be a beautiful, serene season, but it’s hard to ignore the effects that it can have on the skin. Where once upon a time, maybe a dollop of lotion could suffice in erasing that dry, scaly, red, itchy skin, that doesn’t apply any longer. The older a person gets, the more likely that skin is going to become drier, loose, and coarse. At this point, instead of buying any old lotion from the grocery store or drug store, it’s time to look into specific formulas intended to treat older skin.

However, if a person notices that their skin isn’t reacting to a typical treatment like that, or if the dry skin is getting increasingly itchy and irritated, it may be time to see a cosmetic dermatologist in the Sterling Heights, Michigan area. These dermatologists are trained in diagnosing and treating the most common skin woes that women and men of all ages experience. Some conditions may call for specialized serums and creams while others may require injections and other small, outpatient procedures. The cosmetic dermatologists at an office like this have years of experience treating patients with similar conditions.

It helps to understand what basic dry winter skin looks like. It may or may not be red, and obviously if scratched it will become red. The skin may have subtle cracks. Dead skin may slough right off or be scaly. It may look very tight and stretched. Texturally, this irritated skin will feel flaky. In some cases, some people may experience more severe dry skin. They may have big patches of red, flaking skin across their body. This skin may be likely to bleed or become infected from all the itching. In a situation like this, don’t hesitate to contact a dermatologist sterling heights dermatologist.

Such a skin problem may not be exclusively caused by the weather. Certain medical conditions could be to blame. Thyroid disorders can affect the oil glands in the body, causing the skin to lose its natural lubrication. Psoriasis can also be the culprit; if a person has this, typically their skin will be very scaly more so than anything else. Besides these, a person’s environment can also play a part. For example, if the home or office is always excessively warm, there’s no humidity to provide moisture for the skin. Regardless of what is causing a person’s dry skin, they don’t have to suffer in discomfort any longer. Contact a Sterling Heights cosmetic dermatologist by phone or email today.

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