My Personal Story About Discomfort Relief

The shoulder consists of a series of three bones held together by tendons and muscles, which allow full motion of the arm. The top of the upper arm bone goes into a round socket that is in the shoulder blade. The muscles and tendons help to keep the arm bone correctly centered in the socket. When someone experiences pain in the shoulder, it’s important to pin down where the pain actually is coming from. Shoulder pain can have different origins, including in and around the shoulder, in the joint or from any of the nearby muscles, tendons or ligaments. Depending on the cause, shoulder pain in Las Vegas can get more intense with movement. Sometimes, the pain is felt in the shoulder but isn’t actually coming from the shoulder. This can happen in a person with heart disease or gallbladder ailments. This type of pain, however, does not get worse with movement.

Shoulder Pain Caused by Bursitis

Bursae are the sacs situated within joints throughout the body. They are small and serve as cushions, or shock absorbers, between the bones and the soft tissues that surround them. If the shoulder is used a lot, it can lead to swelling and inflammation of the bursae that lie between the shoulder blade and the rotator cuff. This results in bursitis and can also include tendinitis, making even simple daily tasks painful.

Tenditinits and Tendon Tears

The muscle and bone are connected by a tendon. When that tendon gets worn down over time, it can eventually split from being used too much. The tendon can also tear resulting from an acute injury or simply degenerative changes as a person ages.


Arthritis can be the cause of shoulder pain in Las Vegas. One type is caused by wear and tear. Symptoms of this type of shoulder arthritis include swelling and stiffness, and generally occur when someone enters middle age. Called osteoarthritis, it can also be a result of injuries at work or with sports. Other kinds of arthritis are related to tears in the rotator cuff, infections or inflammation of the lining of the joint.

Shoulder Fractures

Broken bones in the shoulder can involve the upper arm bone, the collarbone or the shoulder blade. They are usually caused by a fall, intense sports activities or motor vehicle accidents. Besides radiography, they can be identified by leg pain Las Vegas, bruising and swelling.

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