Thanksgiving – Appreciating!

Folic Acid is a vital nutrient that is found in many foods such as green leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, and beans. It is also taken in pill or capsule form by many women of conception age to prevent birth defects, and it is added to most multivitamins. It is hard to overdose on folic acid from food. High doses of up to 1,000 mcg can be taken in pill form because it is a water soluble vitamin and is excreted through urine if the body cannot use it. Certain pregnant women with a history of birth defects can even take doses up to 4,000 mcg to prevent a recurrence. However, there are very serious risks associated with taking folic acid for some people.

Pernicious Anemia is a form of anemia caused by a deficiency in vitamin B12, if left untreated it can cause permanent nerve damage throughout the body. People who take folic acid and have this condition will not feel the tell-tale symptoms, which may seem ideal. However the B12 deficiency can still be causing damage to the body even without the symptoms.

Symptoms of Pernicious Anemia




Numbness in hands and feet

Decreased appetite, or appetite for items that are not food (pica)

Pale skin


Increased heart rate

Treatment is simple once pernicious anemia is diagnosed, it can be as straight forward as vitamin B12 supplementation through shots or pills. However if a patient is covering up the initial symptoms by taking folic acid, they may never be tested and irreversible nerve damage can occur.

For people who have had symptoms of anemia, or have a genetic propensity towards it and also take folic acid may want to set up an appointment with the experts of blood cancers Concord in Concord to get their levels checked because it is better safe than have permanent nerve damage from an illness whose symptoms are hidden by folic acid. Levels should be rechecked sporadically as well for those who are likely to develop a B12 deficiency.

Efficient And Natural Anti Aging Tips

The winter may be a beautiful, serene season, but it’s hard to ignore the effects that it can have on the skin. Where once upon a time, maybe a dollop of lotion could suffice in erasing that dry, scaly, red, itchy skin, that doesn’t apply any longer. The older a person gets, the more likely that skin is going to become drier, loose, and coarse. At this point, instead of buying any old lotion from the grocery store or drug store, it’s time to look into specific formulas intended to treat older skin.

However, if a person notices that their skin isn’t reacting to a typical treatment like that, or if the dry skin is getting increasingly itchy and irritated, it may be time to see a cosmetic dermatologist in the Sterling Heights, Michigan area. These dermatologists are trained in diagnosing and treating the most common skin woes that women and men of all ages experience. Some conditions may call for specialized serums and creams while others may require injections and other small, outpatient procedures. The cosmetic dermatologists at an office like this have years of experience treating patients with similar conditions.

It helps to understand what basic dry winter skin looks like. It may or may not be red, and obviously if scratched it will become red. The skin may have subtle cracks. Dead skin may slough right off or be scaly. It may look very tight and stretched. Texturally, this irritated skin will feel flaky. In some cases, some people may experience more severe dry skin. They may have big patches of red, flaking skin across their body. This skin may be likely to bleed or become infected from all the itching. In a situation like this, don’t hesitate to contact a dermatologist sterling heights dermatologist.

Such a skin problem may not be exclusively caused by the weather. Certain medical conditions could be to blame. Thyroid disorders can affect the oil glands in the body, causing the skin to lose its natural lubrication. Psoriasis can also be the culprit; if a person has this, typically their skin will be very scaly more so than anything else. Besides these, a person’s environment can also play a part. For example, if the home or office is always excessively warm, there’s no humidity to provide moisture for the skin. Regardless of what is causing a person’s dry skin, they don’t have to suffer in discomfort any longer. Contact a Sterling Heights cosmetic dermatologist by phone or email today.

Getting Great Sleep Regardless Of Sleep Apnea: Here’s How

Sleep is essential to a person’s overall health and well being, but many people suffer from sleep disorders that wreak havoc on their lives. Insomnia, sleep apnea, shift work sleep disorders, and a multitude of other concerns can cause a person to seek help in diagnosing their problem and finding a treatment that will help them get much needed restorative sleep. Sleep centers are facilities where people can go to have their sleep pattern or behavior observed and assessed by medical professionals. Most communities have several sleep centers for patients to choose from, these centers can be independently owned and operated or they may be part of a hospital or health care system. Larger cities might have dozens of sleep centers, for example Las Vegas, Dallas, Tampa, Seattle all have many sleep centers.

When a person goes to a doctor for help with a sleeping disorder, the doctor will likely refer them for a sleep study, these studies record what happens to a person when they are sleeping, the studies are then analyzed by a specialist and a treatment plan is formulated. Sleep studies are conducted in facilities called sleep centers, these centers have private rooms for each patient that looks like a normal bedroom, but these rooms also contain sophisticated medical and audio-visual equipment which technicians will utilize to observe the patient during the study.

WebMD outlines the most common click here studies as:

Polysomnogram: This test records brain activity, eye movement, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, heart rate and rhythm, breathing rate and rhythm, the flow of air through the mouth and nose as well as body muscle, chest, and belly movements.

Multiple Sleep Latency Test: This test is used to determine how long a patient takes to fall asleep and whether or not they enter a REM sleep pattern

Maintenance of Wakefulness Test: This test is used to measure if a patient can stay awake during a time when they are normally expected to be awake

Although sleep centers are medical facilities, they understand that a comfortable environment is more conducive to sleep than a clinical environment. Most sleep center patient rooms look like a guest room at a friend’s home or a hotel room. Visibly absent from these rooms are televisions and radios, the technicians need to record how a patient sleeps without those kinds of external stimulus.

Sleep centers in Las Vegas and the rest of the country can be found by asking a physician what center they recommend or by doing a simple Internet search.

My Personal Story About Discomfort Relief

The shoulder consists of a series of three bones held together by tendons and muscles, which allow full motion of the arm. The top of the upper arm bone goes into a round socket that is in the shoulder blade. The muscles and tendons help to keep the arm bone correctly centered in the socket. When someone experiences pain in the shoulder, it’s important to pin down where the pain actually is coming from. Shoulder pain can have different origins, including in and around the shoulder, in the joint or from any of the nearby muscles, tendons or ligaments. Depending on the cause, shoulder pain in Las Vegas can get more intense with movement. Sometimes, the pain is felt in the shoulder but isn’t actually coming from the shoulder. This can happen in a person with heart disease or gallbladder ailments. This type of pain, however, does not get worse with movement.

Shoulder Pain Caused by Bursitis

Bursae are the sacs situated within joints throughout the body. They are small and serve as cushions, or shock absorbers, between the bones and the soft tissues that surround them. If the shoulder is used a lot, it can lead to swelling and inflammation of the bursae that lie between the shoulder blade and the rotator cuff. This results in bursitis and can also include tendinitis, making even simple daily tasks painful.

Tenditinits and Tendon Tears

The muscle and bone are connected by a tendon. When that tendon gets worn down over time, it can eventually split from being used too much. The tendon can also tear resulting from an acute injury or simply degenerative changes as a person ages.


Arthritis can be the cause of shoulder pain in Las Vegas. One type is caused by wear and tear. Symptoms of this type of shoulder arthritis include swelling and stiffness, and generally occur when someone enters middle age. Called osteoarthritis, it can also be a result of injuries at work or with sports. Other kinds of arthritis are related to tears in the rotator cuff, infections or inflammation of the lining of the joint.

Shoulder Fractures

Broken bones in the shoulder can involve the upper arm bone, the collarbone or the shoulder blade. They are usually caused by a fall, intense sports activities or motor vehicle accidents. Besides radiography, they can be identified by leg pain Las Vegas, bruising and swelling.

Preparing Your Birth/labor Plan

Sports medicine in Hartford does not always require painful surgery. Certain minimally invasive treatments are now more widely accepted in the United States.

Although an osteopathic physician cannot technically administer fetal stem cell treatment, a close alternative has been used. The procedure often uses stem cells drawn from bone marrow or fat. However, this harvested substance is combined with proteins, enzymes and other bodily organisms – not just a standalone stem cell extract. Furthermore, it has been noted that only about one to two percent of stem cells used in treatment turn into physical therapy Hartford tissue.

To not confuse patients, sports medicine specialists refer to stem cell procedures as a “stem cell enhancement.” On this note, the hugest difference is that the stem cells used for this athletic enhancement are taken from live adults not fetuses.

For best results when using a stem cell-like treatment, it usually involves a brief culturing process. This happens within 20 minutes of having drawn the substance from the body’s donor area. After setting aside the stem cell organisms in a sterile container, it then is injected.

During the injection process, the recipient location that needs healing will become automatically repairing itself. This is made possible because the natural injection solution stimulates activation of new tissue growth. As a result, the condition of the target musculoskeletal treatment area begins to improve.

Furthermore, recent reports indicate that there are no solid confirmations that using embryonic versus adult cells is more advantageous. Not only that, but some scientists have even found that fetal stem cells cause serious problems. One of the most detrimental is tumor formation. On the other hand, using the adult extractions seem to work just fine.

There are variations of the adult stem cells typically taken from a donor area of the body and planted into the treatment region. Oftentimes, the solution prepared during stem cell enhancement turns into necessary bone, cartilage and fat cells. This procedure has been tested in an ex vivo or in vitro setting.

The location of the body where the stem cells are using taken is the hip bone. Otherwise, the substance comes from the subcutaneous fat area. Patients often welcome the chance to undergo this procedure instead of receiving surgical methods that requires larger incisions into the body.

The Countless Advantages Of Ending Up Being A Brand-new Mom

Selecting a physician who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology (ob/gyn) is a highly important task for any female. Physicians who specialize as an ob/gyn have two primary, crucially important functions, they monitor women during pregnancy and deliver babies and they perform yearly check ups to ensure that a woman’s reproductive system is working properly and that no disease, such as cancer, is present or developing.

Visiting an ob/gyn is something that a woman should do throughout her life, from the beginning of menstruation as a pre-teen or teen all the way through menopause and beyond. Because of the functions these best doctors las vegas‘s must fill and the intimate nature of annual gynecology exams or periodic checks during pregnancy, it is imperative that a woman feel as comfortable as possible with her physician. Finding an ob/gyn in Las Vegas, or anywhere throughout the country can be overwhelming because there are normally a multitude of physicians and practices in every community.

Before scheduling an exam with a practitioner, there are some things that a woman can do to ensure she finds the best doctor/patient rapport possible.

Determine what is most important: The first thing a patient should do is determine what factors they feel are most important in an ob/gyn. Some patients may prefer a physician who has been practicing medicine for years, while others might want to see a doctor who has just recently begun their practice. Finding out what hospitals the physician has rights to see patients in is also a potentially vital piece of information.

Ask around: Very often the best way to find a new physician is by word of mouth, existing patients can provide recommendations or advise a person which doctors they may want to avoid seeing.

Schedule a consultation: Any reputable ob/gyn should be able and willing to schedule an in person consultation with potential new patients. This allows the patient to meet the doctor fully clothed and in a relaxed environment where they can ask questions and determine if they are comfortable with the physician.

Ask if they have any patient testimonials or referrals : Many practices receive thank you notes and cards from patients, these can be an invaluable resource because they are an obvious example of how the physician interacts with other patients and how other patients feel about the physician.

Women should also feel empowered to switch ob/gyn’s for any reason they find necessary, using these tips each time should ensure an optimum patient/doctor experience.

ob/gyn Las Vegas

Leading Ten Methods To Beat Insomnia

A baby’s early health exams, or wellness visits, provide a firm foundation for the rest of life. It’s important to start off right by establishing a solid relationship with a local pediatric physician. During the first two years of life, scheduled appointments at the pediatric clinic in Las Vegas should begin within 14 days after birth, then at 30, 60 and 120 days. Approximately six more appointments will be required before the age of 24 months.

Success Tips for an Infant’s First Pediatric Checkup

New parents should:

Schedule newborn physical checkups at a less-busy time of day for the medical practice or endocrinology Las Vegas Vegas pediatric office.

Expect the visit to take about half an hour, but be prepared for more time.

Two adults should attend, so that one can care for baby (providing cuddling, warmth, etc.), while the other takes notes, asks questions and/or pays close attention to pediatrician comments and instructions.

Dress the infant simply or just use a comfortable blanket for quick undressing.

Bring a change of baby clothes, bottle, diapers, pacifier and wipes.

Bring the baby’s hospital records and paperwork, which should have the discharge weight and list of any pregnancy complications. Bring information about parent medical history, as well, to complete required paperwork.

Consider waiting in the car to avoid exposure to illness in the waiting area. Send the other adult inside to fill out paperwork. When in the waiting room, maintain a three-foot distance from others nearby. Face the wall to avoid well-meaning strangers wanting to see/touch the infant.

Don’t worry about vaccinations or needle anxiety at the first visit, although they may be done at about 2 months. The hepatitis B immunization may have been given at the hospital earlier and the doctor should be informed. The schedule of injections may vary depending upon the pediatrician and the baby’s health history.

Be ready to tell the pediatric specialist about the infant’s:

Feeding pattern: When and how much is eaten/ingested

Waste habits: Approximate frequency, consistency, color

Sleeping pattern: This will likely be most of the time, so early in life.

To get the most out of the visit, parents should bring a list of questions to the Las Vegas pediatric doctor, and be prepared to take notes. Parents should emerge satisfied that they are doing the best for baby’s health, from the very beginning.

Hyperpigmentation: Causes And Treatments

Choosing the right clinic for radiology needs can be very important. Anyone who needs an x-ray, a mammogram, an MRI, or another radiological test or treatment will want to ensure they are getting the best possible treatment that Las Vegas has to offer. There are several specific things that should be looked for in a radiologist, such as experience and education, but it is also important that anyone needing radiology find a clinic where they feel comfortable and are happy with the treatment they receive. “Bedside manner” matters a great deal to many people, and can sometimes be more significant than other factors.

A walk in clinic in Las Vegas can give anyone needing radiology services a chance to get quick processing, so they can get done with their tests and back to their life. From the reception desk to the actual radiologist that the patient will see, friendly people who are knowledgeable and helpful can make the experience at the clinic much more comfortable for many patients. Depending on why a person has come to the radiology clinic, fear and anxiety could be a large part of their feelings about the appointment. A good clinic can help reduce those feelings and put a patient much more at ease.

The education and experience the radiologist has, though, are also significant in a patient’s choice of clinic. That comes about mostly because a radiologist will usually read the results of the scans that are done. It is vital that these are read and understood correctly, so the patient is properly diagnosed. Missing something important could lead to a poor outcome for the patient. An improper diagnosis could also lead to follow up tests and even treatments that are simply not needed. Naturally, all of that should be avoided.

Any walk in clinic in cancer screening las vegas Vegas that offers radiology services can help speed up the process for a patient who needs to know what kinds of issues they may be facing. Getting faster answers can mean faster treatment. That could greatly affect the quality of that treatment and the quality of life for a patient. When that patient has a medical condition diagnosed through radiology, getting the records read and sent to the patient’s doctor can be faster through a walk in clinic. While patients may have a short wait when they walk in, they can often get needed tests much faster than at clinics where they are required to make an appointment.

The Best Exercise For Females Throughout Pregnancy

The American College of Physicians define a practitioner of internal medicine as:

” Internal medicine physicians are specialists who apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to the diagnosis, treatment, and compassionate care of adults across the spectrum from health to complex illness.”

Doctors who practice internal medicine have spent a great deal of their training learning how to prevent, diagnose and treat conditions and diseases. Internists often provide valuable opinions to other doctors through consultations and collaboration. There are also many subspecialties that an internist can practice including:

Allery and Immunology

Cardiology (conditions of the heart)

Endocrinology (conditions involving hormonal disorders

Hematology (conditions of the blood)

Infectious diseases

Gastroenterology (conditions involving the stomach/digestive systems)

Nephrology (disorders of the kidney)

Oncology (cancer diagnosis and treatment)

Primary Care

Pulmonology (breathing disorders and conditions)

Rheumatology (Musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, lupus, and fibromyalgia)

Internists place a great emphasis on the overall health and well being of their patients. Prevention is the easiest way to stop many medical conditions in their track, internists are especially effective in helping patients establish and maintain lifestyle choices that will help them prevent conditions that are caused by not practicing proper diet and exercise habits. Internists assist patients in an overall wellbeing for themselves, this guidance covers everything from minor ailments to debilitating chronic conditions and even helping patients recognize and seek help for emotional or mental issues such as substance abuse, depression and many other issues.

Internal medicine doctors are also highly trained to be able to diagnose perplexing medical conditions that other ob/gyn Las Vegas may not recognize right away. General practitioners and specialists often seek the opinion of an internist when they have patients whose symptoms are atypical or perplexing. Since internists are expected to have a wide range of knowledge about the body as a whole, they can often identify characteristics of an illness that another physician may overlook or create a connection between seemingly unrelated symptoms that leads to a proper diagnosis.

Internists must stay on the cutting edge of medicine, therefore internists continually seek furthur education and any recertifications that are necessary to maintain their licenses to practice.

What You Ought To Understand About Sleep Apnea

Thyroid nodules are often discovered as part of routine physical examinations when the doctor feel a patient’s neck and asks her to swallow. In other cases, especially when a person is thin, he will notice a lump in the front of his neck when tying his necktie or shaving or a family member or friend who knows him well may point it out Since thyroid nodules, abnormal growths of thyroid tissue, often occur on the edge of the thyroid gland, it is even possible for a person to feel a lump in his throat when swallowing. No matter how a person becomes aware of the growth, and while it need not be an occasion for alarm, he or she should see an endocrinologist.

Treatments for Thyroid Nodules

An endocrinologist treats hormonal imbalances in endocrine glands, a group to which the thyroid belongs. His first step will be to palpate it, and if he decides it is indeed a thyroid nodule, will then prescribe a baseline ultrasound to determine its size and shape. Meanwhile he will have the patient undergo a blood test to find out the level of hormone being secreted by the thyroid to make sure it is within normal range.

If the ultrasound reveals the nodule to be larger than one centimeter, he will prescribe a fine needle aspiration biopsy. A fine needle biopsy is a safe, relatively non-invasive way to determine whether a nodule is cancerous or a benign. After administering a local anesthetic to the neck in the area of the nodule. Once it is numb, a very thin needle is inserted through the neck and into the nodule to obtain a tissue sample to be examined under a microscope to determine if the cells have taken on the characteristics of cancer cells.

If the biopsy reveals it to be one of the 5% that are cancerous, surgery will be highly recommended to remove not only the nodule but the lobe on which it is growing. If it is one of the 95% that are benign, the endocrinologist will continue to monitor the patient at regularly scheduled intervals and prescribe yearly ultrasounds.He may also prescribe thyroid hormone suppression therapy which involves taking a daily pill containing synthetic thyroid hormone. The underlying theory is that supplying additional thyroid hormone will send a signal to the pituitary gland to decrease the level of thyroid stimulating hormone it is producing since TSH is widely believed to be the cause of nodules. At the very least, taking synthetic hormone should stop its growth, and at the best, cause it to shrink.

Should the nodule continue to grow, the next step is to surgically remove it and the lobe of the thyroid on which it is located. The lobe will be biopsied and if, as in most cases, is found to be benign, other than having to take thyroid hormones for the rest of his life along with regular visits to her endocrinologist, the patient’s nodule problem should be over. If thyroid cancer is revealed, in most cases, taking one radioactive iodine pill several weeks later kills the cancer

Incidence of Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid nodules are really quite common. One in twelve young women has a thyroid nodule and one in forty young men. Whether it is detected or not. most people have one by the time they reach fifty and the likelihood increases with age. 50& of fifty year olds will have at least one, 60% of sixty year olds and 70% of seventy year olds. With the expected lifespan of Americans continue to increase, research in endocrinology will continue to find new ways of managing this common condition in pulmonolgy las vegas Vegas.